Top 5 Free Games for Your Child

There appears to be a substantial amount of pressure on parents nowadays to enroll their preschool children in various types of innovative learning programs. There are swimming and music classes, craft centers, and activities that encourage motor skills, movement, or improve sporting ability.

Some of the finest learning tools for your children are literally right within your reach!  Not only are parents the primary caregivers, but also the first teacher for children before they are old enough to go to school.  If all of the paid activities and classes were not available for them to take part in, just playing basic games for your child that are free, would provide your kids will all the encouragement and stimulation that they require to get the best start.

Top 5 Free Games For Your Child

You will get a greater amount of quality time with your kids while improving their creativity and imagination by exposing them to an environment that is enriched and free activities around your home and your neighborhood.

Top 5 Free Children Games / Activities- Indoors

1. Tell Stories– When you tell your children stories it helps to promote language, imagination and their listening skills. Don’t feel limited to just reading books,  you can also opt to tell your kids the unique family stories that help them to have a better knowledge of their place in the world. How their mother and father met, how their great-grandfather boarded a tall ship and sailed to a new country to begin a new life, and their unique birth story.  These personal tales will never cease to delight your children.  Perhaps you have photos to help them put faces to names.

2. Dress Up–  The dress-up box was consistently our preferred treasure trove for creating characters for a play or a story as children. Impersonating truck drivers, dinosaurs, zookeepers, doctors, or children can even be entertained for hours by mum. The more props the better so always have a store of blankets for tents or cubbies, and a variety of boxes for automobiles, doll’s beds, or wherever their imagination can take them them.

3. Music– Children love a chance to dance and jump around. By the age of three, they will already have some favorites which will probably have actions to match.  If you have a musical instrument in your house, your children will happily accompany it with stomping, marching, clapping, or any other loud action if you provide them with the opportunity to do so.  If you don’t have any instruments, then a wooden spoon and a pot will work just fine!

4. Craft–  If you use recycled materials, then you just need a little inspiration and a bit of glue, and your kid’s creativity will take care of the rest.  This same material can create space rockets, collages, animals, and a lot more. Keep an available supply of recyclable material by keeping cereal boxes, candy wrappers, toilet rolls, yogurt containers, and  magazines. Other clever ideas can include paint, play dough, chalk, crayons, and modeling clay! The ideas are limitless.

5. Card and Board Games– Fun for the entire family or even just two bored children searching for something to do when they are limited by rainy weather. For younger kids, these games can help to improve their numerical skills, gamesmanship, learn how to take turns, and develop a better understanding of the concept of luck and that anyone can be the winner of a game. Super for holidays as they are easy to set up and can last for hours. There are several card games to learn from including easy games for child right up complex ones for teens and adults. Best of all, the only equipment required is a card deck. Board games like Monopoly and Scrabble have been played down through the generations and will continue to be played unless everything goes into a computerized version!

Top 5 Free Games For Your Child

Most of these activities will be known to you, but have you played them all? If not, then get out there and enjoy some free child games with your little clan, they’ll love you even more for spending some quality time with them.

Kids Fun and Games is the place to go to meet the needs of your children from 0 to 6 years old.  Educational toddler and baby games, party games, crafts, outdoor and indoor games, festivals, and much more.

Top 5 Free Games For Your Child